
Licenca do word 2019
Licenca do word 2019

licenca do word 2019 licenca do word 2019

In this example, you can see that you have installed a trial version of Microsoft Office 2016 and there are 4 days left before the trial period ends. start typing winword, you should see Word in the list of search results. REMAINING GRACE: 4 days (6499 minutes before expiring) If you have a subscription version (Office 365) you can sign in to your Office. You can check the current activation status and the number of days left for the grace period to end as follows.Ĭd %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16Ĭscript ospp.vbs /dstatus LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 16, Retail(grace) channelĮRROR DESCRIPTION: The software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid grace period. Thus, you can extend the total time of using the Office 2016 trial version up to 180 days (6 * 30 days). You can run this command up to five (5) times on every 30 days of trial. Thus, you rearm your Office 2016/365 copy and extend free trial to 30 days. Accordingly, you won’t be able to reset the free trial time in retail editions (Home, Personal, University, etc.). Please note that this license rearm method is only suitable for corporate versions of Office and Office 365 ( Office 2016 vs Office 365: What’s the difference) licensed under the Volume Licensing (Standard, ProPlus and Enterprise editions).

Licenca do word 2019